Posts by Harold Littlejohn

  • red open mailbox chico ca

    Going Green, Where’s My Organizer?

    Going green means saving trees, right? My office is not mailing paper organizers automatically to all clients this year due to high costs, time involved and the fact that most…

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  • front view of the irs building chico ca

    Income Tax – The Law That Never Was?

    My studies of Constitutional Law included the rule that in order to amend the constitution, it would take a legitimate (proper) vote of three fourths of all the states “ratifying”…

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  • teemu laukkarinen eBi0v1D po8 unsplash

    30 Trillion So Far, When Will The Music Stop?

    That escalated quickly!  In 1990 the federal debt was a little over three trillion.  By the turn of the millennium it was around the high five trillion mark. During 2008,…

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  • gabriella clare marino lcGz6gZsSsk unsplash

    100% meals deduction is back for 2021

    A 100% business meals deduction is here for 2021. For the longest time, business meals, when deductible, were only deductible at 50% of the total spent. The theory behind this…

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  • chichi onyekanne rbjSzj xJs unsplash

    We Can Hope!

    The so-called “infrastructure bill” passed recently does not have a lot of income tax changes, thank God. Soon there should be a 2022 “Budget Reconciliation Bill” that may have some…

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  • bram naus n8Qb1ZAkK88 unsplash

    THIS is what shut down the World Economy???

    I recently fell ill for about a week. Two people close to me “caught it” a few days later. I won’t bore you with symptomatic details, but based on what…

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